Tuesday, July 31, 2007

on the liemba

this is where we slept (on the roof of the back of the boat). the only down side was that people started drying piles of fish on the corrugated metal around us...


Brittany said...

love the bedhead you've got going there lars.

guys... this trip sounds so unreal! (so much so it makes me jealous...) glad to hear you're still loving life and keeping safe!


Brian and Erin said...

I love it! We hung out on those mats quite a bit! Did you start getting full of black ash from the pipe?


Tom (Youth Leader Emeritus) said...

Wow, just like Jim & Huck Finn...you guys are my hero's!!!

shawn81 said...

Another great photo!

jocelyn said...

that actually looks like it would be a comfortable ride!!