Wednesday, May 9, 2007

if it's not 'quick-dry', we don't want it

matt and i have adopted an all 'quick-dry' wardrobe for this trip on advice from brian and erin rowan. if you are not familiar with this subculture, it's essentially any clothing that 'wicks away' moisture. Pretty much anything that is unnatural or made without cotton is 'quick-dry'. it's working great so far!


Anonymous said...

Maybe this quick-dry, less stuff in the room and for the washing machine is a good idea for when you guys are home. Can you imagine, Lars, what that could do to your and Mark's room.
Love to hear your stories.

Anonymous said...

Totally hear ya on the quick dry! Kent (my husband) insists that the whole "wicking" phenomenon (it's wick, not whisk - ha ha) is just a ploy by outdoor clothing companies to get us to buy copies of all the clothes we already own. But I disagree. I just got back from 2 wks in Latin America and my quick-dry tank top, board shorts and towel (this is a travel must) made life way easier and less smelly.

Have a fabulous time, Lars! Kent and I will be just a "stone's throw" away - in Cameroon - for June. Love the motherland...

Anonymous said...

that quick dry stuff is awesome!! good plan... did you think of this when you were in Guate too?