Thursday, May 3, 2007

3 more sleeps

this is crazy. lars and i leave for cairo, egypt in a couple of days (sunday, may 6). i think that i can speak for us both and say that we have a certain nervous excitement about us. we are trying to leave all of our expectations behind because we're entering a land where we can expect the unexpected.........that much is a sure bet.
we anticipate a most excellent adventure, and decided that creating this blog was the best way to keep you all (everyone choosing to read this) informed of our whereabouts and happenings along the way.
hope you enjoy.
"be excellent to each other" - rufus (b and t's excellent adventure)
lots of love,
matt (for lars too).

ps. for those who don't already know, we're starting in cairo, egypt and working our way slowly down to cape town, south africa (may 6 - august 19)


Jolien said...

hey matt and lars :) This is naturally a great idea, I look forward to reading all about your adventures!

p.s. matt you need to change the details about yourself to "awkward". enough said!

brando said...

i'm waiting for ya....

Brian and Erin said...

giver buddies!

Patricia said...

Where are the pictures???? who is this travelling buddy that I've never met?

have an awesome time Lars! Hope that the travels down there go smoothly.

thanks for the phone message. it was good to hear your voice :)

Tom (Youth Leader Emeritus) said...

Party on boys...PARTY ON!

Leah Klassen said...

Message to Matt: you are not geeky - Nel and Leah think you need to change your profile to "best dancer, funny and charming"

Jordan said...

Hey Lars and matt,

look guys I know your excited and all, but when you travel take in the beauty of it all, people, sites, etc.

Have amazing memories, and stories I love a good storie

rob said...

hey guys... i was glad to see you and say goodbye one last time tonight! and just to clarify, when i say "stay safe" i mean, have an incredible adventure. and of course, the best adventures are not without their fair share of danger.... really i just want you to come home safe and sound and often that rests largely upon yourselves. take good care of brandon for me... and have an awesome time.

Russ said...

Hiya boys...

Is it too late for me to join you?I hear Mogadishu is lovely this time of year! Well then, all the best, & have a safe & fantastic journey. We'll catch up with you later....


Anonymous said...

Hey Larsy,

I thought you were joking about going to Africa. I guess you weren't. Now you can't come to my birthday party. Have a nice life, bru. T.I.A