Saturday, July 28, 2007

highlights from burundi: on the road with jesus and harry potter

our time in bujumbura, burundi was fabulous. we lived with doug and deanna (madeline and elise) hiebert (lars' sisters family), and/or brandon thiessen for our entire stay. first off, thanks to doug and deanna and brando for taking us around buj-town, opening your homes to us and showing us so much hospitality. here are some highlights from our stay:

* musee vivant de bujumbura (see previous post)
* bushwacking in the mountains outside of buj (doug was a hero and took most of the scrapes)
* our mini-trip into the d. r. congo (nothing can go wrongo in the congo? yeah right rafi...i guess you've never been there)
* getting the "ins and outs" of mcc burundi/rwanda/east congo
* lars being told he looks like harry potter (yes, the hype is in central africa too)
* me being told - on a regular basis - that i look like jesus (let's keep that stereotype going shall we?)
* playing with maddy (she's the cutest kid ever...a future heartbreaker for sure!)
* watching lars hold elise ("like a football lars")
* catching and killing gustav the legendary 75m crocodile with our bare hands (do a google search on gustav and see what comes up)
* body surfing lake tanganyika with brando
* rhubarb crumble at d & d's
* our big game of ultimate frisbee
* lars' mango worm (see previous post)
*having my own wing at chez hiebert
*brandon's coffee
note: missing in photo - elise (likely "sleeping")


Anonymous said...

lars i love how you are caressing that coke


Tom (Youth Leader Emeritus) said...

And while I'm on the subject, let me say something about Harry Potter. Warlocks are the enemies of God! And I don't care what kind of hero they are, they're an enemy of God and had it been in the old testament Harry Potter would have been put to death!

sara said...

hey guys. i never did get to say a proper farewell but it was great to have met you and i look forward to hearing of the rest of your adventures as you follow 'the only road south'. happy travels! ~sara

ps. lars, i could really use some pointers on that football hold you perfected with elise. it's a tough one.