this journey took us 28 hrs. of straight transit. it's possible that over the course of those 28 hrs. we used every mode of transportation that has ever been invented (save rollerskating and ostrich-back). here's a summary:
livingston to
kazungula (border town between
zam and
botswana) by taxi;
kazungula to
kasane (
botswana) by pontoon ferry across the
zambezi river;
kasane to
francistown by tractor
francistown to
gaborone (capital of bots) by night train; finally, gabs to
jo'burg (s.
africa) by mini-bus. once again the
transport made for some great stories and experiences. special thanks to
brooke and
jarod for letting us hitch all the way to
francistown and for treating us with such generosity. no thanks at all to the
botswana rail system for "letting" us sleep in the doorways on the floor of your train.